Smart Swarm
Only teamwork helps when facing big fish. Together, as a school of fish, you swim faster!
Forget Nemo! In this group adventure you will experience the harsh reality of underwater survival. But don’t panic! On your own you are just a small fish, but together you are a strong school of fish. If only it wasn’t so hard to control the school sometimes! The only things that help are coordinating, calling out instructions, cooperating and grooving with each other. This is because swimming in a school you all depend on each other.
Will you show collective intelligence or “swarm stupidity”? Do you go and get food, or do you become food? Sharks don’t sleep!
Give the predators the cold fin. The faster you learn, the faster you’ll get into the flow. Collect swarm points together in our ocean multiplayer.
Languages German, English
Duration variable
Recommended age 10 onwards
Recommended number of players
2 – 200
Sebastian André
Michael Scholz
Sebastian André
Level design
Sebastian André
Julia Klein
Project management
Judith Gieringer
Julia Klein
Sebastian André
Sound design & music production
Daniel Strohhäcker
Sonic Yard
Jonathan Regler