frequently asked questions …


What is the Kinetarium?

The Kinetarium is a platform for learning and discovering new things together, through playing. Under the dome, planetarium visitors can use their smartphones to control rockets, answer quiz questions, demonstrate swarm intelligence, and much more. Hundreds of visitors can play and learn at the same time.

Click here for more info

What ages is the Kinetarium suitable for?

The Kinetarium is suitable for a wide range of ages and offers fun for families and children. You can find our recommended minimum age on the respective info pages for the shows and games. 


… before your visit

Which smartphone do I need for Kinetarium and is there an App I need to install before the event?

You don’t need to install an App before visiting a Kinetarium event. The controller can be accessed by opening a website that is generated for each event. You can open this website with all common browsers and so it should work on the vast majority of smartphones.

As a visitor, do I need a mobile internet connection?

Every visitor who wants to participate needs an internet connection. Either via WiFi or mobile, the speed is not that important. The consumption of mobile data is also very low.

Where can I visit a Kinetarium event?

You can find all scheduled events here on our website. Feel free to follow us on social media, where we also share new events.


… for the screening

How can I get a Kinetarium license and what does it cost?

The Kinetarium is available as a subscription. This allows you to show all available shows and games as often as you like. You can find our licensing options here.

I am not sure if the Kinetarium will work with my projection system, can I test it? 

Of course! Every planetarium operator can test the Kinetarium for free. This way you can try out the games yourself and make sure that everything works. For single projector systems, experience has shown that the setup is quite simple and requires only a few clicks.

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What are the technical requirements for the projection system?

The planetarium must have a digital fulldome projection system (e.g. Vioso Anyblend, Screenberry media server) with the possibility to feed a real-time video signal (via screen capture or spout). For single projector systems, experience has shown that the setup of the Kinetarium client is quite simple and requires only a few clicks.

The computer running the Kinetarium client needs Internet access, with as little latency as possible. It should also have the following, or comparable hardware:

  • Hard disk: 1GB free memory

  • RAM: 16GB RAM

  • Processor: 3.1 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7

  • Graphics card: Radeon Pro 560 4 GB

How can I use the Kinetarium if I don’t have a single channel projection system?

We are currently developing a version of the Kinetarium for multiple channels. If you are interested in this, it would be best if you sent us an e-mail.

What technical knowledge do I need?

The installation of the Kinetarium is very simple. Along with the download link you will receive a short starting guide from us. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you!

If you do have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Does the program/show run automatically?

All shows and games can be started from the computer that controls the projection. The Kinetarium includes both: fixed time shows (which play back like a film) and games without any time limit (which can play for as long as you want). The information about which shows are fixed time and which are variable can be found on our Shows & Games page.

Do I need a moderator for the shows?

We recommend always having at least one person at the event who is familiar with the Kinetarium and can answer questions.

Do I need a public WiFi for my visitors?

We recommend providing an open WLAN for the visitors. When there is good cell phone reception under the dome, WLAN is not required.

Is music used that is subject to collective management societies (such as GEMA, ASCAP, PRS)?

No. At the time of integration, none of the music used in Kinetarium is subject to collective management societies such as GEMA.

Is the content also available in my language?

Currently, all shows are available in English and German. If you need another language, please send us an e-mail!

How many visitors can play at the same time?

We provide a recommendation for the numbers of players for each show and game. You can find this recommendation in the show description. Most games are suitable for around 5-50 players. However, there is no absolute maximum number of players.

What shows and games are available for the Kinetarium?

You can always find the current catalogue of our shows and games here on our website. Here we also inform you about new content in the future.

What happens when new shows are released after I have subscribed?

As a subscriber you will , always receive all new developments. We will provide an update of the Kinetarium client.

Is there also a game for my topic X?

We are always looking for exciting new topics. Feel free to contact us!

Can I use the Kinetarium for projections on flat walls?

The Kinetarium is designed for dome projections. We have developed a “flat display version” for projections on walls. We are also working on a version for directional domes.

If you have any other special requirements, it’s best to contact us!

How can I give feedback on the Kinetarium?

Have you played the Kinetarium with a particularly large or very small group? Do you have suggestions for a show? We’d love you to share your experience with us! Feel free to write us an e-mail!