Cosmic Carousel

Collect gas and dust until you can create your own stars
as well as other exciting celestial bodies!

Floating through the universe and collecting gas and dust clouds: that is the task with the declared goal of creating stars. This eternal cycle is to be experienced interactively.

Each player moves with his controller as an avatar across the universe of the dome. A coloured ring around the avatar indicates which class of stars can be created with the mass already collected. This information can also be conveniently viewed via the controller.

In addition to creating stars, it is also possible to create planets with less collected mass. If a player is close enough to a star, the planet he has just created orbits.

On the journey through the universe, collisions between celestial bodies can also occur.

Experience the universe by creating your own stars and planets!

Experience Education Variable Duration Entertainment

Languages German, English

Duration variable

Recommended age
from 10 years onwards

Recommended number of players
1 – 100


Markus Berger
Michael Scholz

Markus Berger
Benjamin Holas

Julia Klein
Mareike Aßfahl

Benjamin Holas

Project management
Andreas Reuscher 

Michael Scholz 

Nadiia Yunatska 

Jonathan Regler

Sound effects
Jonathan Regler

Jonathan Regler

In cooperation with
Stiftung Planetarium Berlin